Lilys Kitchen | Vegan Rainbow Stew Dog Complete Wet Food 400g | 400g
A nutritionally complete and meat dairy free rainbow medley bursting with goodness! It's vegan dog food with delicious plant-based proteins and a selection of the allotment's finest vegetables. Here's a super-healthy way to introduce some more exciting variety into your dog's menu - introducing our very first vegan-friendly dog food recipe! Dogs are natural omnivores so this recipe is a great way to feed a little less meat, whilst keeping your hound happy and healthy. Perfect for pooches who may be sensitive to meat, or for those joining in with Meat Free Mondays. We use protein packed vegan ingredients such as millet and lentils as well as delicious, vibrant veggies like courgettes, carrots and peas to create a delicious, complete meal for your furry family. We make this scrumptious recipe with freshly prepared vegetables and fruit, vitamins and chelated minerals, to create a divinely digestible vegan food for dogs.
Allergy Information
For allergens, see ingredients highlighted in bold in the ingredients list.
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Product information and photographs are for general advice and illustrative purposes. From time to time packaging and ingredients may change and the information on this site may not be as up to date as we would like it to be.
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