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Refund Policy

Please see our refund policy below:

Order cancellation

  • If you wish to cancel your order for a full refund, please contact us as soon as possible to cancel your order so we can cancel and refund your order in full. Please note that we can only cancel your order if your order has not yet been shipped. 

- Orders In Transit

  • If your order has been shipped and you no longer wish to receive the order, you can refuse delivery of the order. The courier will then return the parcel to us and we will refund you in full within 14 days.

- Orders Missing/Lost in Transit

If your order goes missing in transit, we will contact the courier and investigate the whereabouts of your parcel. If the parcel cannot be located, we will refund or resend the order to you as soon as possible.

Partially Refunded Orders

  • On the rare occasion that any items in your order are unavailable, we will refund the items that have not been sent in full. 

Damaged/Defective Orders

  • If your order arrives damaged or defective, please send us photos as soon as possible. Please do not dispose of the item as we may need to request the return of the product(s) for further investigation. Once our team has reviewed the damaged/defective items, we will refund or resend the affected items.

Expired Items

  • If you receive an expired item or are unhappy with the expiry date, please contact us as soon as possible and provide photos of the expiry date and the front and back of the product. For expired items we will refund or resend the affected items, whichever is your preference. We offer a minimum of 3 months expiry date on full priced items. If you are unhappy with an expiry date, we offer a prepaid return label to return the item for a refund or resend, whichever you prefer.
  • If an item is heavily discounted, it may have a shorter shelf liife than usual. 


  • Customers have a 30-day window from receiving their order to return this to us. All returns are processed through our returns desk within 14 days. Our team will review the returned items then refund or resend the returned items, whichever you would prefer. On some instances where a resend is requested and the item is not available, we will refund the returned items in full. For further information, please refer to our return portal page.  

All refunds processed will show back in your account within 3 – 5 working days and will be refunded back to the same payment method that was used.

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